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– People can starve themselves up to a month but can only stop drinking from 3 to 5 days. It shows that water is extremely important to our lives. According to the study, up to 70% of the human adult body’s weight is water, it is distributed everywhere, involved in all processes such as metabolism, nutrient absorption, movement, detox, body temperature regulation … .

– Water is a soluble solvent of nutrients, is an intermediary that transported substances, mineral ions, oxygen… to the cells, helping the cells metabolism operated normally.

– Water has the ability to eliminate and remove toxins from the body through the urine, sweat.

– Water plays an important role in adjusting body temperature, especially in the hot summer. The body’s temperature will follow water to the outside environment through the skin pores and the respiratory tract.



– Vietnam is the third highest plastic consumption country per capita in ASEAN (after Malaysia and Thailand) with 41.3 kg per year, according to a new report published by Ipsos Business Consulting. Plastic consumption increased by about 10% per year in the period 1990-2015, from 3.8 kg to approximately 41 kg. Last year, Vietnamese consumed more than 3.98 million tons of plastic.

– Vietnamese consumers have identified the misuse of plastic packaging is a serious problem but not equal to climate change, air pollution, waste treatment … In September, 2018, about one third of consumers participated in the survey had said it was indispensable for plastic bottles and food wrap in daily life.

– Due to its usability, few people care about its harm. Not only affecting the environment such as depleting soil nutrition, devastating ecosystems, causing inundation in urban areas, destroying marine and river ecology … plastic bags, waste  but also seriously affect seriously to human health, especially digestive, respiratory and causing cancer diseases.

– From now on, let’s join hands to make a clean and safe living environment Vietnam, contribute to the international community to solve the environmental pollution caused by plastic waste.

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Antidiabetic effects

Drinking syzygium nervosum tea has a long-term effect of stabilising/reducing blood glucose level in diabetics. The water extract of the leaves also helps to reduce blood fat, anti-oxidant, prevent pancreatic beta-cell damage, and cataracts in diabetic patients

Anti-gout potential

According to Prof.Dr Nguyen Lan Dung from the Vietnam Association of Biological Sciences, the properties of the syzygium nervosum’s leaves are considered to be lifesaver for gout patients, in particular are those who suffer uric acid stagnation from consuming too much sweets and fat. Along with that is the poor excretion from the digestive system and kidneys, which can cause the uric acid to further accumulate in the joints, leading to swelling, heat, inflammation, and joint pain.

The regular consumption of leaves and buds has the effect of reducing the accumulation, as it is able to dissolve the uric acid substances, and contributes to the prevention and treatment of gout

Curing fatty liver disease

The leaves also contain properties that can cure fatty liver disease. This is due to its abundance of tannins and vitamins, which can effectively detoxify the liver, thereby preventing fatty liver disease

Usage as refreshment/natural detox

A cup of syzygium nervosum tea may help you quench thirst and fatigue after long hours of work. Exception of water, your body also needs to be provided essential minerals and vitamins from the leaves.

The drink also exhibits a cooling and diuretic effect, and can help eliminate toxins through the urinary tract in your body

Antiseptic effects

The water extracted from the leaves contains a number of antibiotics that are capable of eliminating many pathogenic bacteria, such as streptococcus, diphtheria, pneumococcal bacteria, … Therefore, fresh or dried syzygium nervosum leaves are considered as excellent antiseptics for the skin, as it can treat skin diseases such as scabies or boils. In addition, the leaves may be cooked and used that water to treat scalp pores

Headaches and itchy sores reliever

According to folk experiences, if you use syzygium nervosum to bath and wash your hair, it can help treat impetigo and relieve itching for the scalp and body.

Treating burns

For minor burns, you can use the water extracted from the syzygium nervosum leaves to relieve pain. However, in case of severe burns, you will need to go to the hospital for a more proper and safer treatment


Seventy70 always has a big attention about opinions and feedbacks from customers. All customer’s suggestions are the goals that we are aiming for.

Thong Nguyen

Office worker

He said "I have carefully studied the benefits of alkaline ionized drinking water, because it is resistant to cells cancer and I have decided to choose Seventy alkaline ionized drinking water"


Nguyen Anh Viet


He said "I've always used alkaline ionized drinking water to get the best health ever, but now Seventy has canned design, reducing plastic waste and contributing to environmental protection. That's awesome"


Vuong Tran

Office worker

He said " I am extremely concerned about myself and my family's health, so I usually look for healthy products, after thoroughly studying and using Seventy alkaline ionized drinking water, I feel my body is obvious improved, especially the digestive system. Let's choose the best products for your family! "


Trang Vo


She said: "We often face to stressful job, we almost stuck in a place and sit during a day so we get stomach problems. After a period of time using alkaline ionized drinking water, our problem and body have been improved"


Thao Pham

Administrative personnel

She said "I often participate in community campaigns, our government is currently calling people to reduce plastic waste to the environment. I feel that drinking Seventy water not only helps our health but also participate for environmental protection. Drinking alkaline ionized water is an ideal choice. "